Our Work


Litigation support

Sentence review proceedings like those under the IRAA and D.C.’s Compassionate Release law are a relatively new field of practice, both here in the District and nationwide. We work with attorneys, including the court-appointed bar and the pro-bono community, to provide training, support and individual consultation for the litigation of their cases.


The implementation of the the District’s sentence review mechanisms has presented a number of challenges for the institutions and agencies tasked with carrying out the law and facilitating the reentry of those granted relief. We work with institutional stakeholders and community organizations to advance the interests of this client population and ensure that eligible people are fully supported from the appointment of counsel through their release and reentry.

Direct representation

We provide zealous, best-practices direct representation to a limited number of clients seeking sentence reductions in D.C. Superior Court. It is our goal that Second Look Project’s advocacy for its own clients will serve as a model for other attorneys serving this population.

Our Supporters

Our work is made possible by the generous support of the following organizations, as well as that of our many individual donors.